Agnes Lynch Starrett Poetry Prize is accepting submissions March 1 - April 30, 2023.
Drue Heinz Literature Prize is accepting submissions May 1 - June 30, 2023.
Pitt Poetry Series is accepting submissions August 1 - September 30, 2023.
Cuban Studies accepting applications year round.
Cuban Studies Submission Guidelines
The University of Pittsburgh Press welcomes submissions to Cuban Studies. Manuscripts in English and Spanish may be submitted. Maximum length is 10,000 words, including notes and illustrations. Please include an abstract of the article both in English and Spanish of no more than 200 words. Also include a short biographical paragraph of no more than 3 sentences. We prefer Chicago style (17th edition), but MLA style is also acceptable. Cuban Studies takes no responsibility for views or information presented in signed articles.
Dossiers should be comprised of an introductory essay and 3 to 6 essays. Each essay should have a maximum length of 9,000 words, including notes and illustrations. The articles of the dossiers should read as a whole and avoid repetition and overlaps between them. Dossiers should have a designated organizer who will be the mediator between Cuban Studies and the authors of the dossier. We prefer Chicago style (17th edition), but MLA style is also acceptable. All articles in the dossier should use one of these styles consistently. Please include an abstract of the dossier of no more than 200 words, both in English and Spanish. Also include a short biographical paragraph of no more than 3 sentences of the participating authors.
For additional editorial inquiries, contact us by email at
The University of Pittsburgh Press announces the Agnes Lynch Starrett Poetry Prize for a first full-length book of poems. Named after the first director of the Press, the prize carries a cash award of $5,000 and publication by the University of Pittsburgh Press in the Pitt Poetry Series under its standard royalty contract. The winner will be announced in the fall; no information about the winner will be released before the fall announcement. The Starrett Prize is our only venue for first-book poetry manuscripts. The volume of manuscripts received prevents the Press from offering critiques or entering into correspondence about manuscripts other than the one chosen for publication. Please do not call or e-mail the press.
Manuscripts submitted to the contest will not be returned. Please keep a copy of the manuscript.
The award is open to any poet writing in English who has not had a full-length book of poetry published previously. We define "full-length book" as a volume of 48 or more pages published in an edition of 500 or more copies. Books whose publication costs have been borne by their authors are excluded from this definition. University of Pittsburgh employees, former employees, current students and those who have been students within the last three years are not eligible for the award.
Format for Submissions
Manuscripts should be between 48 and 100 pages. Please also include your curriculum vitae.
Results will be announced in major poetry and writing magazines once a winner has been chosen.
Fee for Submission
Each manuscript must include a submission fee for $25.00.
Multiple Submissions
Manuscripts being considered by other publishers are allowed, but if a manuscript is accepted for publication elsewhere, please notify the Press in writing.
Dates for Submission
Manuscripts must be received during March and April. That is, they must be received on or after March 1 and on or before April 30.
If you have any questions about these guidelines, please email